
array array( [mixed ...] )

... mixed Infinite number of parameters separated by commas.
Returns a dynamic array of values. Putting in no parameters will create an empty array.

mixed array_get( array arr_obj , int index )

arr_obj array The array object being accessed.
index int An index that represents the position of the value an array.
Returns a value from the array at the specified index.

void array_set( array arr_obj , int index , mixed value )

arr_obj array The array object being accessed.
index int An index that represents the position of the value an array.
value mixed The value that will be set at the specified index
Sets a value in the array at the specified index.

int array_size( array arr_obj )

arr_obj array The array object being accessed.
Returns the size of the array. Null elements are included.

void array_print( array arr_obj [, bool format = false] )

arr_obj array The array object being accessed.
format bool Truth on whether or not data should be nicely formatted.
Prints out the array contents. If format is true, it prints out the array contents nicely formatted for readability.

void array_resize( array arr_obj , int new_size )

arr_obj array The array object being accessed.
new_size int The new size of the array.
Resizes the array to the specified size. Elements above the new size threshold are automatically removed.